About Erasmus+

About Erasmus +

The implementation and organisation of European and international mobility is carried out by the Erasmus+ Office, part of the Centre for International Relations. The Head of Office is the Erasmus Institutional Coordinator, supervising the activity of 4 full-time employees and that of the Department Coordinators in charge of Erasmus academic issues for incoming and outgoing students. The Office also collaborates with the Legal Advisor, Financial Responsible, and Chief Accountant, with specific tasks included in their job description. Tasks are clearly divided according to the Internal Regulations approved by the Senate and according to the job description of each staff member. Communication and operations are run in accordance with specific procedures and regulations concerning international mobility activities. The Office is under the authority of the Erasmus management committee, named by the Rector, in charge of taking management decisions concerning the Erasmus+ Programme.

UAB has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in 2013 for the entire period of the Erasmus+ Programme implementation 2014-2020, based on the European Policy statement.

Download UAB’s Erasmus Charter