Erasmus+ Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships

Erasmus + Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships

AGRI BASE  1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia is a member of the Consortium formed within the project Agri Base project - "Boosting Adults System Education In Agriculture" - 2015-1-MK01-KA204-002857Erasmus +, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education.


The project is coordinated by Open Civic University For Lifelong Learning Vanco Prke, Macedonia, and will run from October 2015 to October 2017. The kickoff meeting was held in Stip, Macedonia, between16-18 October 2015. The consortium consists of 10 institutions: OCULL" Vanco Prke" Stip, R Macedonia (coordinator), University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, University of Foggia, Italy, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain, University "1 Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia, Romania, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, Estonian Academy for Life Sciences, Estonia, Cukurova University, Turkey, College Illyria, Kosovo and Western Balkans Institute, Serbia.


The project consortium was chosen according to the similarities in the project issues the project tackles, and in particular the similarities regarding LLL in agriculture, regional positioning and the expertise of the participants. The main objective of this consortium is to improve the system of adult education in the field of agriculture and rural development through strengthening the competences of the agricultural experts. This will be achieved by developing of training materials in the field of Agro-management, English for Agricultural Purposes and ICT which will be available on-line on the e-platform that is going to be created for this purpose. Apart from this, an on-field study analyses will be made and webinars will be organized on a national level. At least 3000 agricultural adult educators and practitioners in 10 countries will be reached by the activities of this project and will benefit from its results.


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