International Cooperation with Higher Education Institutions


The main tenets of the internationalisation strategy of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, developed in cooperation with and endorsed by the university management are construed along the following lines: extending the international dimension of research activities, and teaching/learning processes, raising intercultural and pluringual awareness, and active involvement in social and corporate governance. We actively foster the mobility of teachers and students and we continuously extend our cooperation with institutions worldwide, either through bilateral agreements or collaborating in different types of networks (Association of Carpathian Regional Universities, Consortium in Humanities, European Network for Intercultural Education Activities, UNIRO - University Network of International Relations Offices etc.). Our university has currently concluded more than 200 Erasmus+ agreements with higher education institutions for student and staff mobility. Each year we send abroad approximately 200 students for studies or placements and host more than 100 incoming students within the Erasmus+ mobility Programme. Our university is also implementing the International Credit Mobility action, as we have been awarded grants for mobility flows with Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Uzbekistan, Russia, Colombia and China (with China we have grants only for staff mobility). Besides mobility programmes we develop collaborative educational and research activities, such as: co-organising thematic conferences (GeoCAD, ICTAMI, BENA, etc.), co-publishing periodical volumes of conference proceedings and peer-reviewed academic journals. We have already established successful joint PhD programmes, and we are looking into new vistas offered by ERA+ and Horizon 2020 Programmes.

Placement Mobility partnerships with Programme Countries

Study Mobility partnerships with Programme Countries

International Credit Mobility partnerships