International Students - Admission (Methodology and Requirements)

Admission (Methodology and requirements)


Please send via e-mail at: your complete .pdf files in the following period 1 July - 30 September 2021!


a) birth certificate - copy and legalized translation;

b) the document certifying the permanent domicile abroad;

c) passport valid at least 6 months after the date when the letter of acceptance to studies is issued;

d) Application for the issuance of the letter of acceptance to studies, provided in ANNEX 2;

e) legalized translation of the baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent, authenticated by the competent authorities of the issuing country;

f) legalized translation of the certificate attesting the promotion of the baccalaureate exam for the graduates of the current year;

g) transcript of records - legalized translations, related to the studies performed;

h) the certificate of graduation of the Romanian language year or the certificate of linguistic competence, as the case may be;

j) the medical certificate (in a language of international circulation) attesting that the person to be enrolled in the studies is clinically healthy and does not suffer from contagious diseases or other diseases incompatible with the future profession and also mentioned personal history of chronic diseases and SARS-COV2, respectively.


(1) The candidates will send the files directly to UAB until 30 September 2021!

UAB will analyse the files and send to the Ministry of National Education - General Department for International Relations, a list of persons that are nominated to receive the Letter of Acceptance to Studies. Along with the list, UAB must send a copy of the applications for issuing the Letter of Acceptance to Studies that were filled in by the candidates. The General Department for International Relations will issue the Letter of Acceptance to Studies and send it to the high education institutions. The list of the accredited state and private high education institutions is stipulated in the Government Decision no. 707/2012 on approving the List of fields and university specializations/programs, the structure of the high education institutions, the authorized or temporary authorized university fields and programs, the geographic development locations, the number of transferable study credits for each study program, education type or teaching language, as well as the maximum number of students that can be schooled, updated by the Ministry of National Education.

(1) The registration will be carried out on October 1 of each academic year.

(2) When registering, the candidates will present the documents from the Application file, in original, certified for authentication by the Embassy of Romania to the issuer country or endorsed with apostille of Hague, if the previous studies were not completed in Romania, in a European Union country or in accordance with the legal assistance agreements signed between Romania and third countries.

You can also contact us via e-mail at:

File processing fee

50 EURO, payable before submitting the application for admission:

Please take into account that all the bank commissions are fully covered by the applicants!

Tuition fees and other administrative fees will be transferred into the following bank account:


SWIFT:                  BTRLRO22 ALBA IULIA

IBAN:                     RO 37 BTRLEURCRT 000 6338302

BENEFICIARY:      UNIVERSITATEA "1 Decembrie 1918" din Alba Iulia

FISCAL CODE:      5665935

Steps to obtain a Residence Permit

All of the following are required:

Payment of Consular Fee:  120 Euro

CEC Bank - Residence Permit Fee:  58 Euro

Bank Statement - proof of the financial means in amount of at least: 2,500 Euro

Proof of payment of the tuition fee

Passport copy

A copy of original Acceptance Letter + Translation into Romanian

Certificate issued by "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia (attesting to the student"s status)

Proof of residence: University"s Residence Hall Contract.

Medical certificate issued by "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Students" Practice.

Proof of health insurance issued by the Romanian Health Insurance Agency - Alba Iulia subsidiary (for students aged above 26).

A representative of the Centre for International Relations will assist foreign students in obtaining the Residence Permit.